Author at Melody Music Publishers, Kathi Kerr, has written is a series of piano method books for sight reading and playing by ear. Ms Kerr is also owner/founder of Melody Music Studios since 1989 and piano instructor since 1985. She has authored books based on her many years of teaching experience and knowledge on how students think and learn! These books can be used in the private or group lesson or the self learner.
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“I started teaching piano lessons in 1985”
“Soon after I began teaching, I quickly realized most method books didn’t teach a student to read notes and rhythm fluently. So in 1989, I wrote my first two books, ‘Rhythm Workbook’ and ‘Note Reading Workbook’. I used these workbooks to supplement the method books for over 30 years. I was, however, still unhappy with the progress students made in their reading skills. Then in the spring of 2017 as I was teaching a student, I came up with the idea of writing an all in one book that included the workbooks along with multiple songs so a student could master each set of notes and rhythm. I imagined it being self paced, where students can play all the songs or, when ready, skip to the next level. Thus my venture began to write this book.”
“Writing my signature book-Drill It and Kill It”
Author at Melody Music Publishers, Ms Kerr continues, “In October of 2017, I finished the first edition of ‘Drill It and Kill It-Read Music Like a Pro!’ It’s a 200 page book with 5 chapters for ages 8-adult. Each chapter starts with ‘What You Need To Know’, outlining the information needed for that chapter. It’s a comprehensive book that includes technique, rhythm, note assignments, exercises, scales, 20 original songs per chapter, and more. It also includes Christmas bonus songs at the end of the book arranged for each chapter. The end of each chapter lets the student write their own song using what they learned in that chapter. “
Video for “Drill It and Kill It”
“It’s been exciting to see my own students sight read, even passing songs after playing it for the very first time!”
“My approach is teaching a small amount of information at a time and repeating it until the student masters it. I once asked an adult beginner student if she more enjoyed playing her favorite song or easily reading any song. Much to my surprise, she said she preferred the ability to sight read any song easily!”
“I hope my piano method book series help students learn to sight read easily like reading a book! I encourage any comments or feedback from teachers and students. Thank you for your time and adding music in this world!”
I really like that someone published a book where the student doesn’t turn the page to another music concept until they truly understand the one they just studied. I look forward to seeing the children’s book too.