Piano Songs Volume 1


Piano songs volume 1 is eight songs to download from “Drill & Excel Books 3 & 4” for the early advanced pianist and student.  Key signatures include F, Dm, B flat, G minor, E flat, and C minor.  The rhythm includes up to sixteenth notes and eighth, sixteenth, and quarter triples.  Each song has a beautiful melody, each in a different style.  There are various things each song teaches that is explained by the composer, Kathi Kerr, before each song.  Enjoy watching a video of each song played by Ms, Kerr. DOWNLOAD ONLY.

Piano songs volume 1 is eight songs to download from “Drill & Excel Books 3 & 4” for the early advanced pianist and student.  Key signatures include F, Dm, B flat, G minor, E flat, and C minor.  The rhythm includes up to sixteenth notes and eighth, sixteenth, and quarter triples.  Each song has a beautiful melody, each in a different style.  There are various things each song teaches that is explained by the composer, Kathi Kerr, before each song.  Enjoy watching a video of each song played by Ms, Kerr. DOWNLOAD ONLY.