Rhythm Workbook
Click any book below for the description and movie showing every page, with commentary from the author!
Books 1 and 2 are available in print or download!
Rhythm Workbook 1 is beginning level, and Rhythm Workbook 2 is intermediate to advanced. Rhythm Workbook 1 includes quarter notes/rests, half notes/rests, the dotted half note, whole notes/rest, and the eighth notes/rest. Rhythm Workbook 2 starts with the 16th notes, then triplets, then playing triplets against even notes. It starts with reading one line at a time, then adds the 2nd line to read simultaneously for pianists. Vocalists or instrumentals can play one line while another musician plays the 2nd line to learn how to play a part while hearing another part.
These books have 2 goals; one to offer the value of each kind of note, and two, to provide repetitive rhythm drills to play and count out loud to create a sight-reading skill. Each book has drills and repetition that focus on playing rhythms only. Knowing the value of each note is only the first step. The real skill is applying the notes in reading in a continuous way, which can only be achieved by drills and repetition. Most method books offer only the first goal of this book, giving the information. Since playing music involves reading both the rhythm and the note name, reading the rhythm fluently helps when adding in having to read the name of the note.
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