Note Reading Workbook
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Book 2 will be available soon including ledger lines and interval reading.
The Note Reading Workbook is a comprehensive way for students to learn the treble and bass clefs, writing the note names in repetition. This book has three levels with 10 pages to each level: level 1 for treble clef, level 2 for bass clef, and level 3 a review for both clefs. The Note Reading Workbook does not teach the acronyms for learning the notes but instead takes a set of notes at a time, showing the staff’s logic for the notes ascending alphabetically. Then it gives multiple pages per set of notes for repeatedly filling in or drawing the notes on the staff. By the end of the book, the student can read music fluently and have a visual recognition of the notes. No more counting, and thereby creates a smooth reading when playing a song.
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