Piano Song Late Intermediate – “Rainy Day”


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAz1LrOKJMA[/embedyt]

For this piano song for the late intermediate student and pianist, use the slowest BPM on Largo (around 42 BPM) with the dotted quarter note as the beat. Bring out the dotted half notes in bars 3 and 4. Play this song with a lot of expression from very soft at the beginning then a slow crescendo starting bar 7 until bar 16 where it’s finally a forte before the decrescendo. These measures are an example of hemiola, where the meter feel (not the actual meter) changes from 6/8 to 4/4. This is a form of syncopation, stressing the off beats. As you play, image a soft rain at the beginning, to thunder and lightning in bars 7-18, then back to rain when repeated.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAz1LrOKJMA[/embedyt]

For this piano song for the late intermediate student and pianist, use the slowest BPM on Largo (around 42 BPM) with the dotted quarter note as the beat. Bring out the dotted half notes in bars 3 and 4. Play this song with a lot of expression from very soft at the beginning then a slow crescendo starting bar 7 until bar 16 where it’s finally a forte before the decrescendo. These measures are an example of hemiola, where the meter feel (not the actual meter) changes from 6/8 to 4/4. This is a form of syncopation, stressing the off beats. As you play, image a soft rain at the beginning, to thunder and lightning in bars 7-18, then back to rain when repeated.


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