Piano Songs in Hand Positions
If you’re a piano teacher, I’m sure you’ve taught students that needed more piano songs in hand positions. What do you do? In my 35 years of teaching, I never met a piano method book that gave enough songs in one hand position to learn how to sight-read. Sure the student can “muddle” through each piece, but this won’t be enough for students to play piano songs like reading a book! To help, some teachers will use multiple books in one level to give the student more songs in that hand position. I call those “sideways books.” This way of teaching causes your students to bring three or more books to each lesson! And it still may not be sufficient for sight-reading a specific hand position.
Download Piano Songs
My piano method book series “Drill & Excel On the Piano” includes 20 songs for each hand position per chapter. I’ve found that 20 songs are a sufficient number of songs to sight-read, even for the slower-paced student. But if you’re teaching from another piano method book and don’t want to change, I now have the perfect solution for you. Melody Music Publishers now offers sets of 5 piano songs in a single hand position you can download for only $3.50! There are eight parts in each hand position with five songs each, totaling 40 songs in keys of C, G, F, D, B flat, A, and E flat!
Beginning to Intermediate
There are three levels: beginning, intermediate, and late intermediate. The beginning level stays within the five-note hand position. The rhythm includes quarter, half, dotted half, and whole notes and rests. The intermediate level also stays within the five-note hand position but adds the eight notes and rests. The late intermediate level expands slightly outside the five-note note hand position using the same rhythm as the intermediate level.
Original Songs
And the best part, these songs are all original! Most method books brag about the songs being familiar. However, if the student knows the song, he or she may play more by ear than actual reading. Since our songs are original, this ensures the student is reading every note and rhythm.
New Songs Continually Added
New songs will be continually added to the site. If you need more songs for any level, hand position, or key signature, click the Request More Songs link at the top of each level to send a request e-mail to the author/founder, Kathi Kerr. You will be notified when the songs you have requested are added.
Plenty of Piano Songs In Hand Positions
No more running out of songs for your student to practice! Download songs for any level and position for immediate access and help your students become excellent sight-readers!

Kathi Kerr founded Melody Music Studios in 1989, a nationwide music instruction studio. In 2017, she founded an independent publishing company called Melody Music Publishers for piano and singing method books. The learning model is small steps using drills and repetition, how students think and learn.
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