Piano song – Waterslide Rag


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXfL7FMEV6M[/embedyt]

This piano song for the early advanced student is in the ragtime style, popular in the early 1900s. It was intended to be a serious form of music with dynamics and phrasing. It became a popular style played as fast as possible in saloons and theaters. Play this piece as ragtime was originally intended to be played with expression and at a moderate tempo until the final repeat, where it starts slow and accelerates. Change the dynamics when a section is immediately repeated to give variation. Tempo changes can also be a great form of expression (and more dynamic). Watch the fingering in the left hand and continue throughout. Practice the jumps without looking to learn how they feel. Bars 6, 8, and 9 are arpeggios on the fully diminished chord. Also, notice in bar 5 it changes to the E flat minor, which is the parallel minor, meaning it keeps the same name but has a different key signature. That is why there are G flats.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXfL7FMEV6M[/embedyt]

This piano song for the early advanced student is in the ragtime style, popular in the early 1900s. It was intended to be a serious form of music with dynamics and phrasing. It became a popular style played as fast as possible in saloons and theaters. Play this piece as ragtime was originally intended to be played with expression and at a moderate tempo until the final repeat, where it starts slow and accelerates. Change the dynamics when a section is immediately repeated to give variation. Tempo changes can also be a great form of expression (and more dynamic). Watch the fingering in the left hand and continue throughout. Practice the jumps without looking to learn how they feel. Bars 6, 8, and 9 are arpeggios on the fully diminished chord. Also, notice in bar 5 it changes to the E flat minor, which is the parallel minor, meaning it keeps the same name but has a different key signature. That is why there are G flats.


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