Piano song late intermediate – “Ocean Breeze”


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHpBOjvzme8[/embedyt]

This piano song for the late intermediate pianist has a flowing, yet syncopated feel. In bar 2, the 2nd and 3rd quarter notes are played between beats 1 and 2 if counting the dotted quarter as the beat (or 3 and 5 if counting the eighth note as the beat). To counter that, stress beats 1 and 2 in the left hand, or 1 and 4. Measure 24 has fermatas on each note, so stretch those chords out. Then in bar 25, the “a tempo” means to go back to the original tempo. Starting in measure 21, bring out the melody and stress the top note of the chords.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHpBOjvzme8[/embedyt]

This piano song for the late intermediate pianist has a flowing, yet syncopated feel. In bar 2, the 2nd and 3rd quarter notes are played between beats 1 and 2 if counting the dotted quarter as the beat (or 3 and 5 if counting the eighth note as the beat). To counter that, stress beats 1 and 2 in the left hand, or 1 and 4. Measure 24 has fermatas on each note, so stretch those chords out. Then in bar 25, the “a tempo” means to go back to the original tempo. Starting in measure 21, bring out the melody and stress the top note of the chords.


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