This piano solo called “Hearts On Fire” is for the early advanced student. This song is heavy on syncopation in the left hand. Con brio means literally “with fire”. Notice the accents on the last half of the 4th beat in the left hand throughout the song. Start by practicing the left hand alone until mastered. When playing hands together, practice slowly at first, aligning each note in both hands. Watch the fingering in the triads starting measure 26 where you change the finger while holding the note. This fingering makes the top notes legato, creating a legato sound even though the middle and bottom notes are not. Take off the low G in the right-hand chord on measures 32 and 33 if you can’t reach it. And finally, drag the quarter triplet at the end. DOWNLOAD ONLY.
Piano Solo – Hearts On Fire
This piano solo called “Hearts On Fire” is for the early advanced student. This song is heavy on syncopation in the left hand. Con brio means literally “with fire”. Notice the accents on the last half of the 4th beat in the left hand throughout the song. Start by practicing the left hand alone until mastered. When playing hands together, practice slowly at first, aligning each note in both hands. Watch the fingering in the triads starting measure 26 where you change the finger while holding the note. This fingering makes the top notes legato, creating a legato sound even though the middle and bottom notes are not. Take off the low G in the right-hand chord on measures 32 and 33 if you can’t reach it. And finally, drag the quarter triplet at the end. DOWNLOAD ONLY.
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